Reviews For:
Bear learns to share



About Me!

Hi, everyone! Thank you for making your way onto my page! Some of you may know me from when I first started my business during the Lite Memphis program. I am so grateful that I was able to create my brand through their program and work super hard to publish the first book of the S.T.E.A.M. line: Ava Joins the Robotics Team this summer, 2021!
I have always loved to write, and it is a dream come true to to write and publish my own books. The first book that I ever wrote and published (Bear Learns to Share), was co-authored with my mother, Ayanna Murray. She not only instilled a love of writing in me, but also a love for technology, which sprouted into me striving to get more girls into tech through my love of books.
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For any media inquiries, please contact Anaya Murray:
Tel: 203-832-4973 | murray.anaya@gmail.com
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